Using my mobile studio and very high resolution cameras I can digitise artwork to an almost exact copy for printing purposes. To avoid potential damages to artwork I come to your choice of location to capture artwork under a constant light which ensures as close as possible colour matching for you to send to your selected printing company.
Artwork is captured on-site and a reference is made with a laptop to ensure the colour-matching is perfect back at my studio where I process the final images. I do not require a large area to set the equipment up, the only requirement is that daylight (and any other light source) can be reduced. For instance, a living room with curtains can be suitable. I often do not require the back screen to be set up as in the photograph, usually, just two studio lights are required of which I will require a single power socket.
Due to using high resolution cameras every piece of detail is captured, including brush strokes and canvas material enabling you to have perfect realistic print copies. Of course, having such a high resolution results in every detail being captured and therefore I also offer a blemish and small repair service to the final imagery too.
Of course, this service is available for any form of artwork including sculptures. You may wish to have artwork digitised not only for re-sale but also cataloguing purposes or perhaps high quality photographs for online shopping or insurance purposes.
There is always a concern regarding copyright of photographed artwork (quite rightly so!) and therefore I DO NOT acquire any copyright of the photographs shot during these shoots. Please refer to my Photo & Video Shoot Terms & Conditions which show that full copyright is retained by the owner/creator.
Here is just one of the great pieces of feedback I have received from past shoots;
Contact Me to book your photo shoot!