August 31, 2018

My Work Process

My 6-Stage Work Process enables a smooth and easy service of providing you with your photography requirements.

You do not pay until you are happy with the photographs and/or videos during the Proofing Stage.

Below is the process I follow;

1. BOOKING STAGE – You make a booking by Contacting Me. If your booking includes services with a drone I will request authorisation for image capturing from the AAN (Autoridade Aeronáutica Nacional), this is law here in Portugal. I require 10 days notice to gain authorisation.

2. CAPTURE STAGE – I arrive at your location on your selected appointment date at which I professionally photograph and/or video your requested service(s).

3. POST-PROCESS STAGE – Back at my studio I professionally Post-Process the photographs and/or videos. The guaranteed turnaround is one week, however, this is usually 2 days or less.

4. PROOFING STAGE – The photographs and/or videos are placed in a personal secure Portfolio page for your approval.

Personal Portfolio Page Example

5. PAYMENT STAGE – Once you are happy with the results, payment is made either by cash, MB Way or Bank Transfer (IBAN). Recibo Verdes are available and will be available to download from your personal Porfolio page.

6. PUBLISH STAGE – Once payment has been received, download links are generated for your convenience on your personal Portfolio page. If applicable, the final video can be uploaded to our YouTube Channel for you to embed into your own website and/or Social Media. If your service includes printed media, these are printed and delivered.

Occasionally, I may request to view a location before planning a photoshoot, particularly for large properties. This is to ensure I get the best possible imagery.

Please refer to the Photo & Video Shoot Terms & Conditions for details on my usage and retention policy.

I am registered as a drone operator with the ANAC (Autoridade Nacional da Aviação Civil) as required by the regulations issued by the EASA (EU Aviation Safety Agency) and also adhere to the regulations enforced by the AAN (Autoridade Aeronáutica Nacional)